Savya Jain
Series: The Hymn of Nature Humans have been a part of nature since the dawn of time, however, with the emergence of technology and a busy lifestyle, people often overlook what nature has to offer which called for the need for ‘The Hymn of Nature’ series. The series highlights the details of nature that usually go unnoticed by equipping them with a perspective so unique that it cannot be ignored. By displaying personified traits in various forms, the surroundings it impacts through its activities, and the emotions it elicits in the audience, the series illustrates how nature and the human spirit are comparable. The works portray nature as a heavenly paradise in the arms of which one will find eternal peace and happiness. It provides a utopian vision of nature that helps one realise that they are already living in a world they dream of but may have ignored all along. The series uses an elegant mix of fresh and bold colours with playful strokes that merge into a chaotic mix of emerging elements in nature flowing in perfect unison. The portrayal evokes feelings of happiness, peace and rejuvenescence and a need to explore and discover the beauty and mysteries of nature. A sense of contentment is achieved by showing symbols of hope in a distressing event while revealing the relationship between nature and human imagination. It also blesses the sights of people with its enigmatic and incomprehensible beauty inspiring travellers and explorers alike. Nature is shown to have the ability to evoke a sense of belongingness, optimism, creativity, curiosity and satisfaction that one seeks in their life.